Saturday, July 12, 2008

In Bruges

I went into this movie thinking it was an action comedy.  It stars Collin Farrel and I usually really like him in movies.  So that was our (mine and Taylor's) choice.  The movie is nothing like it is proclaimed.  When they say dark comedy they meant depressing.  This movie was not up to all.  It was more like a depressing movie that felt bad you were watching it so it through out a couple of jokes that aren't funny which makes it worse. The movie in my opinon was not funny in any sense, the music was very sad and depressing and their was nothing happy about it, Collin Farrel's character is struggling with suicide and his partner Brenden Gleeson and his friendship is disgusting. Since the whole story line is a depressing one they thought that having Collin Farrel through out a couple of one liners would make it a laugh and putting the characters in ridiculous situations would make it a great comedy, not for me.

The story is that these two hitmen Ray and Ken (Collin Farrel and Brenden Gleeson) have just finished a job and have fled to Bruges for cover until everything settles.  You learn that Ray had a job where he accidental shot a young boy and killed him.  Throughout the movie you see Ray struggle with his life and suicide.  Ken is the more straight head of the two and isn't a basket case.  They get themselves in ridiculous situations like going to hangout with a midget actor and his prostitutes and snort cocaine.  Which was not a laugh for me.  Allllll the humor is so dry and barely even a smile came to me in most of the film.  Not only is the humor horrible it wasn't an action movie.  What was shown is very depressing scenes of two suicides and a boy and priest killed by Ray in a church.  Not only is that bad enough but the blood is so gruesome and it makes it worse because it only happens a couple of times.  The blood was out of place from the movie and I couldn't understand why they wanted it to be so graphic.  It made it that much more disturbing.

Overall it was a horrible movie it was not the type of movie it said it was and no good comedy in the entire film.  It was a sad look at lives that are twisted and rotting.  Not only that but terribly slow, I never get bored with movies and I almost fell asleep watching the first half of it.  But when it does "get going" it just makes you want to turn it off more.  Nothing good about this movie, nothing to look forward to and not a fun experience don't go get In Bruges unless your looking for disappointment. 

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