Friday, July 4, 2008


I have always loved Will Smith in movies.  He has never failed to make me laugh and he does the same for me in this film.  It has a lot of laughs and and the swagger of no care Hancock is hilarious.  The language was more than I was hoping and I was pretty discourage with how much was in the movie.  The plot to this movie does switch tremendously from no care Hancock to almost a love story.  Which was very surprising and kind of off the cuff.  

Nevertheless I would recommend this movie, I had a great time watching it and their is a great amount of humor and drama to this film, I only wish they could of done a better job of mixing it than dividing it.  This movie delivers for me though, I'm a huge Will fan though so this might have something to do with it.  But if your looking for a laugh and just a "cool" flick go see Hancock it will do the duty for you.

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